Screen shot of the Death Metals II database, work in progress ©DeathMetalsII Screen shot of the Death Metals...
Bronze finds from the burial ground at Hajdúbagos - Daraboshegy (1910) ...
Socketed axes with preserved wooden handles ©DeathMetalsII ...
Recording contextual information of metal finds in the museum ©DeathMetalsII Recording contextual information of metal finds in the museum ©DeathMetalsII...
short summary
This interdisciplinary project proposes to challenge and significantly improve current understandings of Bronze Age history and cultural entanglements in the Eastern Carpathian Basin (ECB), through the application of archaeological analysis of metals in funerary contexts, anthropology and archaeozoology, along with frontier high-resolution chronology and aDNA analysis of human remains.
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Bronze finds from the burial ground at Hajdúbagos - ...
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